Posts by radialstudios
Daily Crave: Czech treats from Kolache Republic
Getting ready for my family bridal shower this weekend, my soon-to-be mother-in-law uttered two amazing words: “We’ll bake.” “We” means the extended network of grandmothers, aunts and cousins will craft all kinds of amazing Czech and Polish goodies typically only made for celebratory occasions. In Northeast Ohio (where I am from), attend an ethnic wedding…
Read MoreFox 28: Made Local Stay Local
See Reporter Ashley Yore’s Made Local Stay Local: Kolache Republic… Read more
Read MoreColumbus Dispatch: New to the Menu
Named after the Czech yeast-raised pastry, Kolache Republic Cafe & Bakery on S. High Street is the first bricks-and-mortar retail outlet for a business that was founded a couple of years earlier by three partners… Read more
Read MoreColumbus Dispatch: On Restaurants
An Eastern European specialty has arrived in central Ohio, by way of Texas. Kolache Republic, a bakery and cafe specializing in kolaches, opened on July 18 at 730 S. High St… Read more
Read MoreBreakfast with Nick: Kolache Republic
It’s an exciting time for food in Columbus. New restaurants and carts and tours and breweries and bars are opening all the time. So much development is fun to track, as new places become old favorites while existing mainstays solidify their place in the Columbus culinary fabric. What’s most exciting is to see entrepreneurs who…
Read Morealt.eats.columbus: Kolache Republic
So, kolaches. Texans assert that they’re a Texas thing. Minnesotans may claim that they’re spelled ‘kolacky’, and have dubbed Montgomery, Minnesota the ‘kolacky capital of the world’. Iowans… well, they make claims, too… yeah, thanks for the input, Iowa… Read more
Read MoreColumbus Underground: Kolache Republic Now Open
European pastries, even though they all have names that sound alike, are as different as the countries from which they originally hail. In Columbus, we’ve been able to enjoy some of the best German suessigkeiten at Juergen’s, savor authentic French cannelés at Pistacia Vera, and indulge in Austrian kaiserschmarr’n occasionally at Mozart’s Piano Bar &…
Read MoreThisWeek German Village: Czech Treat
A Czech treat that’s been pretty difficult to find in Columbus is the specialty of a new store in the Brewery District. Kolache Republic Cafe & Bakery has taken over 800 square feet of space at 730 S. High St. The idea was born long ago in Rick Jardiolin’s hometown of Katy, Texas… Read more
Read MoreColumbus Underground: Kolache Republic Opening Retail Store
When we first found out about Kolache Republic way back in November of 2011, we learned not just what a Kolache even is (a puff pastry of Eastern European decent that can be either sweet or savory) but also that this local mobile business had plans to eventually become a brick-and-mortar store. This April, their…
Read MoreColumbus Underground: Kolache Plans to Grow
Until recently, finding a kolache in Central Ohio was practically impossible. All of that changed when Kolache Republic came on the scene to serve these ethnic treats at local farmers markets. Now, armed with a food cart, they’ve taken their business to the streets with eventual plans to open a retail location in 2012… Read…
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